Archive for February, 2008



February 25, 2008

The washing machine just died.

It was mid cycle with a very large load of my undergarments in it.

If its not fixed by Tuesday I’ll be making a trip to Target to restock.




February 24, 2008

The Oscars are tonight.


For the first time in as long as I can remember, I will not be watching. No, I’m not protesting Hollywood’s obsession with giving themselves awards, or the fact that some bubble headed starlet will undoubtedly be wearing fur. I have to study for a test tomorrow. BOOO…

thumbs down

I’m really not that broken up about it. I have only seen one of the five films nominated for best picture.


It’s not going to win.


Ode to my cat

February 19, 2008

Some people are dog people. Some people are cat people. I’m a cat person.

cat people
(Can you guess which one is me?)

Cats are pretty amazing. They keep themselves clean, require minimal attention, and are born knowing that they need to deposit their poo into the sandbox in the laundry room.

Litter box

This is my cat Scout.


She showed up in our backyard about six years ago, and has been my faithful companion ever since. Sure, she throws up hairballs under my bed, licks my eyelids to wake me up in the morning, and sleeps on all the clean laundry she can find. But I wouldn’t trade her for anything.

Whenever I overload on nursing theory, I take a short break and head to this site.

They have funny photos of cats with even funnier captions. Here is an example.

Funny Cat

Oh, I almost forgot… Happy Presidents day!


Monday, February 11th

February 11, 2008

Sometimes when it rains it smells like dead fish outside.

Dead Fish

Today was the first nursing test of the semester. You can always tell its nursing test day by the group of students standing outside the south hall, honking like angry geese.

angry geese

I am just thankful that was the last obstetrics test I’m ever going to have to take. Pregnant women and babies are my least favorite subjects.

pregnant woman no babies


Nursing School Equals….

February 10, 2008

Nursing school = staying home all the time studying.

Nursing school = Never seeing your friends.

Nursing school = Being broke all the time because you’re too busy studying to work.

Nursing school = Assuming you have developed the disease you just finished studying.

Nursing school = Gaining twenty pounds because all you do is sit and read and eat Cheez-Its.

Nursing school = Judging people in public restrooms because they do not wash their hands properly.

Nursing school = Having random people roll up their pant legs and say, “Does this look like a boil to you?”

Nursing school= Spending twelve hours at the hospital doing the dirty work and not getting paid.

Nursing school = having some idiot customer say, “What? Not smart enough to be a doctor?”

Nursing school = knowing that the cigarette you’re about to light up is going to kill you, but being too stressed out to care.

Nursing school = getting to know some really great people.

Nursing school= Getting a job where I don’t have to say, “would you like a delicious blueberry muffin to go with that?”

Nursing school = a time in my life I wouldn’t trade for anything.


Weekend in Review

February 5, 2008

So what is this, the fourth week of school? I guess I have already lost count. I’m going to try not to dwell on the fact that there are 96 long days till graduation. I am going to think about fun things, like the roller coaster I rode this weekend.


I finally got to ride the Bullet down in Kemah. It was a blast. Even though rain was in the forecast, my friend Rachel and I took a chance and headed for the boardwalk. For a relatively small coaster, this thing packed quite a punch. A punch in the neck!

I knew that fourth ride was a bad Idea, but I wanted to feel like I got my money’s worth. What I got was a headache and a neck that won’t turn to the right anymore. Rachel was lucky, all she got was a giant purple bruise on her arm. If I ever ride this thing again, I’m wearing a cervical collar.

The final day of Activities Mart is tomorrow. Stop by and see the variety of organizations and clubs your alma mater has to offer. You can probably pick up some free candy too. Just don’t expect free candy from the Student Nurses Association. As future nurses, it is our job to promote healthy lifestyles, and everybody knows that candy rots your teeth.

Bad Teeth